Dear Parents and Students,
From time to time we will share information regarding specific school policies. This may serve as a reminder on a policy and how it is enforced, or it may be an opportunity to provide information regarding an update to a policy.
The policy provided below is taken from our Family Handbook. Please note that students are not to use their cell phones or other electronic devices during class without specific permission from a teacher for a purpose related to a class. Should students need to contact a parent they are welcome to come to the office and use the school phone or their own phone in the office. That communication should not take place in the classroom, hallways, restrooms, etc. We would ask that parents not contact students during the day by calling or texting student cell phones. Parents are welcome to call the school office and we will relay messages to students. The excessive use of electronic devices is creating a distraction in our learning environment. Please be aware of the consequences for not following this policy, as the policy will be strongly enforced moving forward.
As always, we welcome your questions and feedback. We appreciate your support and assistance with this issue.
Acceptable Use Policy
The school provides computing and network resources for the use of the students, employees and others affiliated with the school. Fr. Tolton Catholic High School provides internet access to all students and staff. Internet access allows classrooms and individuals to have access to information, software, news and opinion, and communication by electronic mail that originates from any point in the world. Members of the school community are encouraged to use electronic devices, software packages, and email for educational or school related activities and to facilitate the efficient exchange of useful information. However, the equipment, software, and network capacities provided through the school computer services are and remain the property of the school.
Appropriate or acceptable educational uses of these resources include:
- Accessing the internet to retrieve information from libraries, databases, and internet websites to enrich and expand curriculum is encouraged
- Use school issued email to post and share information
- Use proper email and internet etiquette
- Use electronic devices to complete classroom activities as directed by the teacher
- Use of personal computing devices to take notes during class
- Use of personal computing devices during study hall for studying or completing homework
- Use of Chromebook/Laptop to listen to music with headphones during study hall
This agreement applies to all electronic devices used at school. Once any student or staff connects to the school WIFI – regardless if using a school or personal device – any expectation of privacy is gone. The school has the right to confiscate any electronic device that violates the acceptable use policy of the school. Users consent to the confiscation and/or search of their device by the Administration or their agents should any suspicion of inappropriate or unacceptable uses arise. The decision of Fr. Tolton Catholic High School regarding inappropriate use of the technology or telecommunication resources is final. Monetary remuneration will be sought for damage necessitating repair or replacement of equipment.
Computer/Internet Usage:
Only students who have a signed Acceptable Use Policy Form on file are allowed to use any electronic device, including personal devices and devices owned by Fr. Tolton Catholic High School. Students must be working on a school-related assignment to be able to use any electronic device either provided by the school or brought from home. Any violation of the Acceptable Use Policy will result in the student losing the privilege of working on the computers in our building. This would cover electronic devices used both during study hall time and during any academic course in which the student is enrolled where the teacher has integrated technology into the curriculum.
Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices
Cell phones, smart phones, I-pods and other personal electronic devices are to be turned OFF from 7:50am to 3:15pm. Students are not permitted to call, text, check the time or otherwise use their phone or other electronic devices in the classrooms, hallways or restrooms during the school day, with the exception of lunch periods. Students are allowed the use of cell phones during their assigned lunch period. Use of the cell phones during this time should be limited to school appropriate activities. Students are not to wear earbuds or headphones, and they should not be visible, during times that students are not allowed to use their phones or other electronic devices.
Students who are ill and wish to consult with their parents or to go home are to report to the school office to report their illness. Students will be permitted to use their phones from the school office in order to speak with their parents. Students are NOT to call their parents regarding an illness without reporting to the school office.
The normal consequences for having cell phones or personal electronic devices turned on at unauthorized times are as follows: the phone/device is confiscated and turned in to the Principal. The phone can be retrieved after payment of a $20 fine.