COVID-19 Update

Good morning,

Bishop McKnight has just signed a formal decree closing all Catholic schools through April 30. He cites the critical need to help curb the spread of COVID-19.

It is the duty and calling of Catholic schools to ensure the healthy formation – body, mind, and soul – of all students entrusted to our care. At times of national and international crisis, it is our call to serve our local counties, the State of Missouri and the United States by assisting authorities and contributing to the common good.

Unfortunately, with a formal decree suspending the public celebration of the liturgy and devotions, our school must remain closed through April 30, with all extracurricular activities canceled/postponed as well through that date.

Tolton Catholic will still observe Easter Break from Holy Thursday through Easter Monday. Students should take a break from learning during this time and return to their online school work on April 14th.

Bishop McKnight encourages families and individual to pray at home especially the Liturgy of the Hours, the Scriptures, the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, which can all be found on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Website; and to participate spiritually in sacred celebrations live-streamed from the Holy See (the Vatican), our Cathedral, or their local parish churches. The Jefferson City Diocese website has links and information on masses and celebrations, or visit parish Facebook pages for up to date information.

Bishop McKnight is also actively working with diocesan staff to prepare for the consequences of a decline in donations to our parishes and schools.  On average, parishes receive 86% of their revenue from tithing by parishioners, which ultimately helps support our school; the inability to gather for Masses can have significant economic implications.  Please continue to give financially to the best of your ability to your parish, as teachers and administrators are working diligently with online learning.

All faculty and staff remain committed to returning emails within 24 hours Monday-Friday.  Please continue to reach out to us with whatever needs and questions arise.  We are here to help.

As the situation changes, we will continue to keep you updated.

God bless you,

Jill McIntosh                     Gwenn Roche

Interim President             Principal