As we continue the celebration of our 10th anniversary, we take a look back at some of the best traditions developed during the school’s first decade!

  1. House Activities — Whether it’s dodgeball, basketball, pumpkin carving, Christmas tree decorating, arm wrestling, or tug of war, our students love competing for House points. Points are tracked throughout the school year with the House Cup awarded to the House that tallies the most points. The House program also puts on many of Tolton’s social events such as Homecoming, Courtwarming, and the Black Light Mixer, a popular dance among students after the first home football game. 
  1. All-School Mass — One of the things we have missed most dearly during the pandemic is the ability to gather as an entire school for Mass. Over the years there have been many different configurations of the student body for Mass as class sizes continued to grow. Students continue to gather with their House for Mass in the chapel, but nothing can compare to the whole student body celebrating Mass as one. We hope we can return to that soon! 
  1. Nicknames from Fr. Mike — From “The Cobra” to “Slasher” to “Leaping Lizzie”, coming up with nicknames for students comes naturally to Fr. Mike who has been announcing Tolton athletic contests since the school opened. 
  1. State Champion Wrestlers  — With Brant Whitaker’s State Title this March, Tolton’s 10-year streak of State Champion wrestlers lived on. Former State Champions include: Jaydin Clayton (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), Will Tindal (2014, 2015), Brock Mauller (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Jarrett Jacques (2017, 2018), Teague Travis (2018, 2019, 2020), and Brant Whitaker (2020, 2021).
  1. Giving Back — Tolton students have always been known for their willingness to give back to others. Not only does each student complete at least 20 service hours each year, but the students participate in bi-annual Blood Drives, a Day of Service, and several other collection drives throughout the year such as diaper drives, canned food drives, and supplies for veterans. 
  1. Powder Puff Game — One of the highlights of Homecoming Week is the annual Powder Puff football game which pits the junior girls versus the senior girls in a game of flag football. The competition can be intense as the team’s play for class pride. Senior girls have won every game but one, losing to the juniors in 2019. 
  1. Senior Storytelling — Fr. Mike is truly a Tolton tradition in his own right, but one of his most unique traditions is his annual “Senior Storytelling.” What started as a homily during a Senior Mass at the end of the year, evolved into its own event as the school grew. Fr. Mike makes his way through the entire senior class in alphabetical order, telling an anecdote about each senior and how he sees Jesus in them. 
  1. Freshmen Election — Each November, this annual class project in Mr. Kelly’s Government class takes over the school’s hallways as the candidates purchase campaign posters using the “Kelly Dollars” they earn from campaign “donors” (i.e. teachers, and club and athletic team representatives). Supported by a team of campaign staff, candidates develop positions on various school issues, raise funds, debate other candidates, and even respond to “scandals” in the lead up to Election Day. 
  1. March for Life — Starting with five students in 2011, Tolton’s Pro-Life Club has sent students to the March for Life in Washington D.C. every year until 2021 when the March was cancelled due to COVID. Mrs. Tramel has chaperoned eight of the trips, which has grown to more than 50 student attendees in recent years. 
  1. Door Decorations — While the University of Missouri may be known for its “House Decs” during Homecoming, Tolton Catholic has found its own unique way of spreading school spirit during Homecoming and other holidays by decorating classroom doors. Each year a theme is chosen for the Homecoming Door Decs and each homeroom of House plans their decorations around that theme (i.e. TV shows, Rock ‘n Roll music, etc.). The doors are then judged by faculty, staff, and even alumni who return for the football game.