Admissions FAQs and Timeline

2025-2026 School Year Admissions Timeline

  • How much is tuition? And when is it due?
    • Tuition for 2024-25 will be $9,332 per year per child for registered Catholic families and $11,636 per year for all other students. The International student rate is $17,025. Families with more than one child enrolled concurrently are eligible for a $2,000 tuition discount per additional child.
    • Technology fees are $50
    • Families have four payment options: one lump sum payment (with 2% discount), two semester payments (with 1% discount) or a 10, 11, or 12-month installment option.
  • Is tuition assistance available?
    • A limited amount of need-based financial aid is available. Details can be found here. Various scholarships are also available. Registered students will receive financial aid and scholarship information in their registration packets. The deadline for both financial aid and scholarship applications is March 15 for the following academic year.
  • Our family is not Catholic. Can my child still apply/enroll?
    • Yes, Tolton Catholic welcomes families of diverse faith denominations. For the 2024-25 academic year, 73.1% of students are Catholic, 25.5% represent other Christian traditions or faith backgrounds.
  • Is every student required to attend Mass and take a theology class?
    • Yes, every student – including non-Catholics – are required to attend Mass with their classmates, participate in faith formation activities, and complete theology coursework.
  • Is there diversity among your student population?
    • Yes, as of the 2023-24 year, our ethnicity breakdown was as follows:
      • 86.4% Caucasian
      • 5.2% Hispanic
      • 5.0% African-American
      • 2.4% Asian
      • 1.0% American Indian/Native Alaskan
  • Can a student transfer into Tolton mid-year?
    • If you are interested in transferring during the current school year, or at the start the new school year, please contact Ashley Moore at to discuss the transfer process. Please be prepared to share your most recent grade card, and standardized test results and discipline record. Each transfer will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.