CAGE (Concessions, Apparel, Gate Experts) Scheduler – This committee requires a Chairperson to be responsible for inputting all of the sport dates that require CAGE duties. The chairperson and other committee members will need to assign freshman parents to volunteer spots (fall season), consistently check that volunteer spots are filled, and maintain consistent communication with a Board Member and Team Parents.
Concessions – Members of this committee will be responsible for checking concession area(s) inventory and cleanliness (to Health Department codes) weekly. This committee requires a small group of volunteers with a Chairperson who can schedule the inventory and cleanliness checks. This committee will also assist with the transition from outdoor to indoor concessions in the fall.
Apparel – Members on this committee will assist with apparel set-up and break down at beginning of fall, winter, and spring seasons. Also, assist with sales at home events and inventory. On the job training required to run payments, record sales, and inventory procedure.
Sport Recognition Nights – Assist with setting up and breaking down for sport recognition nights (fall, winter, spring).
Chain Gang – We would like to add to our pool of experienced chain crew members who regularly assist with this job (JV and V football). On the job training provided.
Field Crew – Assist with striping and marking fields. We need a large pool of volunteers for this volunteer spot.
Scorekeeper/Timer – Volunteer positions available for each sport and season. Training to be provided by the Athletic Director, summer 2017. Volunteers to be scheduled for home games throughout the year so quite a few helpers needed.
Raffle 2018 – This committee is underway for the 2017-18 school year. However, we are seeking interested volunteers to join NOW to start learning about the Raffle Committee and be ready for the 2018-19 school year.
Team Parent –Team Parent positions are assigned by the Athletic Director. However, it is helpful to gather a list of parents who are interested in applying and making this commitment to the school. Responsibilities include team communication, ensuring volunteer spots are filled (CAGE), organizing team meals, assisting with senior night, and organizing team specific sport apparel (optional). In order to maintain consistency across the teams, a training session and attendance at monthly Booster general meetings is required (in season). Two parent reps per sport are needed so responsibilities will be shared. Parents who serve as Team Parent will serve on one sport per school year. Please indicate your child’s anticipated sport(s) when responding.
Bowling Tournament – This event is typically scheduled in February/March and is an adult only FUNdraiser. Volunteers on this committee will assist with coordination of beverages and food (vendor and organizers already secure), team registrations, and promotion/communication of this event.